The transfiguration of Jesus demonstrated who He really is. elijah gospel of mark jesus moses transfiguration

Some years ago, I was in attendance at the funeral of a pastor I had become friends with while serving in northeastern Pennsylvania.  I always enjoyed my conversations with him, and I found...

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What does it really mean to follow Jesus? following jesus take up your cross

During my formative years, I was always a big fan of popular music.  I enjoyed just about every genre you could imagine including some that might surprise you.  I was also highly...

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Set your mind on the things of God. gospel of mark jesus mind thinking

A little over twenty years ago, I began a five-year ministry experience that involved directing a Christian camp and conference center.  It was one of the hardest and best things I have ever...

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Be cautious about who you allow to influence your thinking. gospel of mark influence thinking

On Friday mornings at 8:00 am, I teach a three-hour course titled “Biblical Perspectives on Contemporary Issues.”  It’s one of my favorite courses to teach because of the...

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Christ cannot be hidden. gospel of mark jesus miracles

This year marks the 30th anniversary of my graduation from high school, and this week, several of the people I graduated with thought it would be a good idea to get the conversation going about a...

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What goes in and comes out of your life? defiled heart holiness lust salvation unclean

How do you know what you really believe?  For that matter, how do you know what anyone believes?  Our beliefs are made visible by what comes out of our lives.  You can see what I...

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What do you want to be remembered for? gospel of mark hypocrisy jesus

Not long ago, I was teaching a theology class to students who are close to graduating from college.  During the class, I showed a brief video that interviewed 70 people from age 5 up to age 75...

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Could this be why you're having a hard time getting ahead? gospel of mark hard heart struggles

The other day, I was reading an online forum and came across a post from a woman who said, “I need serious help! I am drowning in credit card debt to the point that I am so far behind, I just...

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Our deepest hunger can only be satisfied by Jesus apostles discipleship rest satisfaction

The start of a new year is a time of year when many people decide to make some changes.  One of the primary changes that many if not most adults seem to make at the dawn of a new year relates...

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Are there consequences for speaking the truth? john the baptist truth

I had a weird experience this week that was both troubling and comforting at the same time.

 On Thursday afternoon, I was invited to attend a prayer service at the university I teach at. ...

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Is Jesus enough for you? contentment evangelism gospel of mark

The week following Christmas is usually a fun week for our family.  We spend much of the week taking long drives to visit our extended family, and we did that this year as well.  ...

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Why is Jesus asking you to wait? patience trust

The other day, my wife and I had the opportunity to reunite with a friend from college that I hadn’t seen in at least 23 years.  She teaches with us now, so we should start to see her...

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