What price are you willing to pay to answer Christ's call? christ's calling discipleship obedience

There are few things in this world as stressful as buying a house. Right now as I'm writing this, the real estate market is hot. Houses are appreciating in price and properties are selling quickly. Th...

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Our deepest hunger can only be satisfied by Jesus apostles discipleship rest satisfaction

The start of a new year is a time of year when many people decide to make some changes.  One of the primary changes that many if not most adults seem to make at the dawn of a new year relates to their...

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Jesus will completely turn your life around christ's calling discipleship fishers of men jesus

When I’m preaching, I try my best to make good eye contact.  I have one friend who gets nervous if he has to look at the faces of those he’s speaking to, so he primarily looks over their heads and at ...

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How can a mother or a grandmother pass along her faith? discipleship mother's day motherhood

When it comes to our spiritual development and understanding of the gospel, we don’t arrive at a healthy place by accident.  There are circumstances and experiences that the Lord sends our way to shap...

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